zondag 31 oktober 2010

mwehe click on the pic

thou means 'you', dickheads.


So the funniest thing happend yesterday. We were celebrating my little brother's 13th birthday, and I was just chilling on the couch with my laptop. Then my dad walks in, greets everybody and comes sit next to me. 'So, I just wanted to talk with you about something, nudepictures of yourself' EXCUSE ME? 'I was just searchin for something on the pc and at once I see you naked in a bed with a naked boy' EXCUSE ME TIMES 2? 'I mean it's oke to be nude and stuff but you have to be reaaaally carefull with those pictures you know? It actually shocked me a bit' DAD I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT UR TALKING ABOUT? 'You were naked in a bed with a boy and you cant remember it? Shame on you!'

Hahaha I was like uuuuuuuuuuuuuh? I told my dear Juudice about it and then she said ohhhh i know what your daddy means! totally suprised I said huh you do ;o ?? Yeh Juudice said, it's that picture from that blog I' ve send you a little while ago:

So I yelled at my dad 'hey come and check this!!'
I showed him the blog Juudice was talking about, and he says 'God damn it sjo! You also posted it on the internets???'
And I was like dad this aint even me.. So I showed him the rest of the blog (which is lovely) and I showed him pictures of the blogger, who has brown hair just like mine. And he was like 'IT'S YOU! ALL THOSE PICTURES IT'S YOU!'
But then I said, where the hell should I find a room like that huh? And he was like 'hmm. maybe you're right'

Conclusion; My father doesnt see the difference between me and a random blogger, he thinks I'm the type of person to take nude pictures.

I laughed about it all night.

zaterdag 30 oktober 2010


Gister was onze lieve Lin jarig!
En of course gingen we dat vieren, maar niet met zn vijfjes, nee de hele kamer stond bomvol
met mensen die Lin wilde feliciteren. Skatjes.
Maar Lin gefeliciteerd, er komen nog heel veel leuke tijden, daar zorgen wij wel voor:)

donderdag 28 oktober 2010

Willow Smiths ‘Whip my hair’ banned from commerical radio and tv airplay
“Child pop star Willow Smith has had her first ever single ‘Whip My Hair’ indefinitely banned from being played on radio stations and tv around America after a significant amount of people complained that replicating her ‘whip my hair’ dance moves left them with severe headaches. The song has been banned from airplay until record bosses deal with the consequences which sources reveal may lead to the lyrics being changed and re recorded as well as a new dance routine and music video”

for real? this better be a joke, otherwise America has gone totally nuts.

woensdag 27 oktober 2010

OMG. This just might be the funniest vid ever. illuminati, gays, mocro's, sarcasm, 2012, twitter, pijpsletten, pino

dinsdag 26 oktober 2010

haha dope

Dus ik zit hier op school in het atrium te twitteren en msnen uit verveling, mehhh.
Ik heb eigenlijk gym nu maar van de leraar mochten we het domste voorstel ooit uitvoeren; yoga.
Dat hield in dat we mochten slapen, chillste ever. YAY

vrijdag 22 oktober 2010

i luv fennie and juuice


fuck this guy is way too cute
I know this track isnt really new or something, I don't think there's a person from my generation that never heard it but hey that aint even my point! I wanted to say that I like it and I dont care how old or mainstream it is.
rebels juweetttoch
mehh gister deden we kussengevecht en toen duwde iemand toto zodat hy met zn voet op mijn hoofd stapte. weetje hoe pijn dan doet-_-

donderdag 21 oktober 2010

w00t deze clip is echt nice gedaan, creativity.
source; Jochems hyves.

maandag 18 oktober 2010

hahaha tonight the world will resemble this picture

Rihanna - What's My Name ft. Drake

Gister was ik naar Inception geweest, tah die film is zo fackin dope.
Vroeger reed je 324245452 x langs het huis van je lover, in de hoop een glimp van hem op te vangen, tegenwoordig checken we gewoon zijn hyves. 
(Dit geldt eigenlijk ook voor het checken of hij je bedriegt met een ander..)


Is it a plane? megamindy? NO IT'S A BIRD.
a fucking creative bird i must say, Giulia you did it again, goodjob!